Saturday, May 27, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Vegatable Garden of AshCreek MHPark CAN KEEP GROWING!
Strawberries, tomatoes, squash and okra are growing in this small garden at the AshCreek Mobile Home Park. With the Special Use Permit unanimousily approved by Dallas Plan Commission on May 18, its likely that this garden will be around for a good while to come. Watch this site for an update on the garden and more!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Video Series Schedule - When McMansions Attack Dallas - SaveAshCreekHomes!
on April 15, 2006
Below Duane speaks out for fairness and the future
of his home and AshCreek Mobile Home Park!
See video of The Speak Out/Protest-Dallas City Hall,
5/23/2006 Tue 9:30 pm, Channel 15B or 75
5/24/2006 Wed 10:30 am, Channel 15B or 75
5/26/2006 Fri 2:30 pm, Channel 15B or 75
5/28/2006 Sun 12:00 am, Channel 15B or 75
5/29/2006 Mon 10:00 pm, Channel 15B or 75
5/31/2006 Wed 10:30 am, Channel 15B or 75
6/2/2006 Fri 2:30 pm, Channel 15B or 75
See other episodes of:
outbursts of civil disobedience
5/22/2006 Mon 4:30 am, Channel 15B or 75
5/29/2006 Mon 4:30 am, Channel 15B or 75
Call-in show on ACORN Radio Hour, KNON. How Dallas
"appropriates" land in the White Rock area, for big developers.
5/21/2006 Sun 12:00 am, Channel 15B or 75
5/22/2006 Mon 3:00 pm, Channel **** 27A ***** (27A is the best of DCTV)
5/30/2006 Tue 6:00 pm, Channel 15B or 75
Friday, May 19, 2006
May 18, 2006, the Dallas Plan Commission voted UNANIMOUSLY to support an SUP - Special Use Permit for the MHPark. This will give the owner 6 months from time City Council may approve to bring the property up to Dallas Code standards. Conditions include fencing, landscaping, open space for playground, creation of stricter "Park Rules" and other improvements.
At the May 18 hearing before the Plan Commission, Eleven speakers and at least 35 supporters were there for the MHPark. The opposition numbers were visibly slim with only four speakers and only a handful of people opposing the MHPark. Those that spoke in opposition did not live in close proximity to the MHPark, whereas those speakers in support of the MHPark (other than residents) lived within a few houses or few blocks from the property.
The Dallas City Council must approve the SUP at a future hearing.
CRIME CLAIMS PUT DOWN! A Dallas Police officer and Crime Watch officer of the area, gave permission for the following the be read at the Plan Commission hearing:
"A review of criminal offenses and calls reported occurring in the Ash Creek Mobile Home Park over the last three years revealed nothing unusual or any excessive number of criminal offenses'."
Sgt. R. C. Dillon, #4535
Northeast Patrol Division
As supporters and residents have been claiming, the opposition has over-stated issues related to CRIME from the beginning of their petition against the MHPark!
The experience of working together has been personally rewarding for many. It shows how important it is to be involved in your community - to always speak when something matters to you, and TRUTH MATTERS!
We were NOT afraid to SPEAK TRUTH to POWER and so far, we have WON for now!
Comments? Email:
Monday, May 08, 2006
Petition SUPPORTING Mobile Home Park signed by MANY
The Petition:
To:Dallas City Plan Commissioners
and Honorable Chair
City of Dallas
1500 Marilla Street, Room 5 BN
Dallas, Texas 75201
IN SUPPORT of the AshCreek Mobile Home Park
RE: Zoning CASE #Z056-183
1. I support approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow the owner and homeowners within the Park to meet conditions for improvement & management over a specified period of time.
2. I support a 2 year review of the SUP to see that conditions are met in timely fashion.
3. I support conditions for the MHPark that will insure safe, healthy, and improved living conditions within the “Park”.
4. I support diversity of cultures and housing options for varied income levels in our neighborhood and feel the MHPark meets these goals.
5. I support honest and direct communication between the AshCreek MHPark owner, management, Park residents and neighborhood groups in near proximity.
6. I suggest this parcel of land is fitting for a MHPark, wedged between a creek and a railroad track and within a rural-like setting.
7. I support truth and honesty in all matters related to the MHPark. We are against prejudice, rumor and distribution of false information against the owner or residents of the MHPark.