Sunday, July 16, 2006


Electric contractor began July 13th to accomplish major work to upgrade highwires, poles and service outlets throughout AshCreek MobileHomePark. The Park is buzzing with work to upgrade the property in accordance with SUP and code guidelines.

New poles are going up, high wires are being raised, trees are being trimmed as needed!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Proud residents upgrade homes at AshCreek

Hanging baskets, potted plants and a shady porch make this a really "cool" place at AshCreek MHPark - even on a hot Texas summer day!

AshCreek home with new sky blue paint and gravel drive.
Residents are upgrading their homes & addressing recent detailed code requirements. Hopes are high that the MHPark will remain through an SUP zoning status. City Plan Commission paved the way for the SUP in the May 18 hearing. Owner must submit & gain approval of a site plan. Surveyors began work in late July. City Council must give final approval of the SUP once site plan is complete.
Show support for the residents and the owner's right to upgrade and keep his Mobile Home Park - the "land use" for this property since 1948 has been for a Mobile Home Park! Contact Concerned Neighbors of AshCreek Homes at and add your name or make a comment in support of the MHPark efforts. Or LEAVE A COMMENT here!

AshCreek MHPark Plants Thrive in Hot July

The planting of the entrance flower boxes was a joint community project with help from Walton's Garden Center, Concerned Neighbors of AshCreek (C-NOAH) and AshCreek children and residents. Plants include Fountain Grass, Cone Flowers, Sedum, Gaura, Silver Mound, Ephorbia, 3 varieties of sweet potatoe vines and various grasses.